Springfield Education Centre
The Springfield Centre provides education for KS4 students who have been permanently excluded from their mainstream school. We offer a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which is both challenging and personalised to meet individual student needs.
Our centre ethos is one in which students are welcomed into a safe and nurturing environment and presented with opportunities to succeed throughout the day; each day is a fresh start.
We offer GCSE Maths, English, ICT, Science, PE, Art, and D&T. Level 1and 2 Functional Skills, Personal Development and Vocational Qualifications, along with Outdoor Education and enrichment activities. We know our students learning levels, skills and abilities well and personalise the curriculum to meet their needs and challenge their abilities.
At Springfield we have high aspirations regarding the achievement of our students. We strive to ensure they make progress which matches, or exceeds national expectations . We regularly reward progress in positive and meaningful ways.
Pastorally we support our students well and have clear expectations about how they conduct themselves in and around the centre, including on off-site activities. We frame our conversations around choice and consequence and work hard to form and sustain positive relationships with students. We use restorative approaches to maintain relationships and to teach appropriate ways of resolving conflict
We aim to improve student wellbeing and life chances through informed choice and appropriate transition to employment or education and training in post 16 provision or the world of work.