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Oxfordshire Careers Hub, which is delivered in partnership by Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and The Careers & Enterprise Company, has been running since 2016. The hub supports 61 secondary schools, special schools and colleges across Oxfordshire to deliver high quality, meaningful careers education for their students.
Working with School Leaders, Governors and Careers Leaders, the Hub supports them to develop a progressive careers programme that inspires and informs students to make informed decisions in order to take their best next step at key transitions points throughout their education.
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Do you spend time thinking about what your students may go on to do after they’ve left your school/college.? Do you feel that you have up to date information about what their options are? There is so much choice for young people in terms of what they can do at 16 and 18, and it’s important that all students learn about all the pathways available to them so that they can decide on their best next step. As teachers we know the important role you have in supporting your students with these choices, so we’d like to invite you to join us in advance of National Apprenticeship week, to hear from local apprentices and learn more about a pathway that has opportunities for everyone.
Please can you register for this broadcast by simply scrolling down to the bottom of this page.
Are you a parent or carer? Would you like to know more about apprenticeships to help support your young person with deciding what to do when they leave college? There is so much choice for young people in terms of what they can do at 16 and 18, and it’s important that all students learn about all the pathways available to them so that they can decide on their best next step. As parent/carers we know the important role you have in supporting your children with these choices, so we’d like to invite you to join us during National Apprenticeship week, to hear from local employers and apprentices and learn more about a pathway that has opportunities for everyone.
Please can you register for this broadcast by simply scrolling down to the bottom of this page. is operated by Learn Live Limited registered in England under company number 08812253, whose registered address is Eaton Ave, Matrix Park, Buckshaw Village, Chorley, PR7 7NA
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