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Students, teachers and parents of Littleport and East Cambridgeshire Academy can ask questions to employers on the LIVE CHAT next to the video player.
To prepare our students for a successful future by providing a stable careers programme to educate, inform and guide students with their future choices
To raise student aspirations by providing a holistic programme through first hand experiences and meaningful encounters
All students will receive impartial, independent advice at all stages of their time at Littleport and East Cambridgeshire Academy
Our strategy is for every student to have the knowledge and skills to access any pathway that they choose to aspire to. Each of our Littleport and East Cambridgeshire Academy students will:
Email:, or phone: 01353 223300 Ext: 118
Students have different career guidance needs at different stages and advice and support is tailored to the needs of each student. All teachers aim to link curriculum learning with careers with particular emphasis on the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of career paths.
Every student has multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. All students understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace. Every student will have the opportunity for a guidance interview with a career adviser. This is available when a student requires guidance and whenever significant study or career choices are being made.
Students can request an interview or parents can make contact with the school to make an appointment with Mrs Jo Smith, Careers Advisor who will arrange a meeting with students in school time.
All staff contribute to the Careers & Aspirational programme through their roles as forms tutors and subject teachers. Each faculty provides pupils with a focus on Careers in the Curriculum using various methods.
Mrs Jo Smith, Careers Advisor for Littleport and East Cambridgeshire Academy.
Mrs Christina Emmess, senior leader with responsibility for Careers at Littleport and East Cambridgeshire Academy.
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