Our overarching aim is Achievement for All: for all our students to be safe, happy and successful, developing as individuals into caring, responsible citizens equipped for life in the 21st century. At Haslingden, success is defined in its widest sense: in students achieving appropriate qualifications, in equipping them with the skills to be lifelong learners and in developing each individual into a confident, well rounded adult. Every student is encouraged to achieve their best in the pursuit of excellence. High quality teaching and learning, taking place in a safe, supportive environment provides the basis upon which our students grow. Both achievement and attainment at the school are outstanding, enhanced through a broad range of learning opportunities available both within and beyond the school day.
We are proud of our achievements – our examination success, the diversity of our extra-curricular programme, our community involvement. We are committed to the pursuit of the highest possible academic, personal and moral standards, in the development of fully rounded caring individuals with lively, enquiring minds. This commitment is underpinned by a belief in hard work and a culture of care, respect and support for others.